The World’s FIRST Patent Pending Cryptocurrency Token


The GOPX Token is an evolution in cryptocurrency being both stable and selfconsuming. Stable with the use of smart contracts on the Ethereum (ETH) Blockchain and self-consuming by being the token used in many businesses including our own Game On Players freemium sports games, online gaming sites and online events.

The GOPX Token is also consumed in our QuikTipz cashless tipping app. QuikTipz is furthering the stability of the token, on the leading edge of business to business (B2B) usage being a stable solution for government payment services, global banking, financial institutions, the hospitality industry and more. The GOPX Token can be used to pay direct royalty funds to artists and the music industry allowing millions of individuals to easily take part in this burgeoning tokenized economy.

Being the FIRST with this trifecta of troublesome innovation permitted GOPX to apply for a tech patent.

Endless Possibilities…A True Fusion Economy!

The GOPX Fusion Economy Token is the ultimate technology. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency… GOPX is an evolution in cryptocurrency being both stable and self-consuming.

The GOPX Token is stable with the use of smart contracts on the Ethereum (ETH) Blockchain & self-consuming by being the token used in many businesses including our

  • Freemium sports games
  • Online gaming sites and casinos
  • Cashless tipping app — QuikTipz
  • Government payment services solution
  • Direct royalty funds paid to artists and the music industry

The FIRST B2B Cryptocurrency

We are on the leading edge of cryptocurrency allowing the hospitality industry, banks, financial institutions, businesses, governments, and individuals to take part in this tokenized economy.

Any usage of a stable currency can now choose the GOPX Stable Token. Limited only by our imaginations…

X-Factor — The Solution is Stability!

QuikTipz Digital Tipping Payments Solution

Cashless Tipping with low transfer fees.

This partnership will empower and create a network in several hard-hit industries such as hospitality, gaming, music, travel, airlines, live sports, cruises and entertainment.

Cashless Tipping…Re-injecting power into the ‘tipping’ industry.


  • Enhanced Trust in the Business: Procure a standing of being a mindful and reasonable manager.
  • Instant Payouts: The payment is promptly moved to the beneficiary.
  • Gathering Tip Distribution: The aggregate tip sum forthe gathering of orderlies can be moved.
  • Transparent: The cash straightforwardly arrives at the beneficiary with no danger of allowances.
  • Multi-layer Security: No way of misrepresentation or cash misfortune to programmers.
  • Wellbeing Insurances in the Post Coronavirus: Contactless payments guarantee removing to keep away from any dangers.
  • No KYC: Computerized approval by smart contracts.
  • No Regulatory Compliance: *No cross-line hasslesinstant moves guaranteed.
  • Cross-border : *Interfaces the clients to send/get tokens straightforwardly with one another. *
  • Fragmentary Ownership: Empowers the clients to profit with bounty in tokenization of resources.

Technical Info

GOPX Token Tech Details

Runs off AWS and Google IAAS/SAS*

Runs on highest level of encryption

Runs with KYC/AML/PCI Compliance

Runs with transparent Etherscan of all transactions


  • Token Name: GOPX
  • Total Token Supply: 10 Billion Tokens
  • Private Sale: 2 Billion Tokens
  • Public Sale: 8 Billion Tokens
  • Purchased Method: ETH, BTC, USD
  • Token Type: ERC20

Road Map

We intend to foster profoundly intelligent long structure content (contextual investigations, guides, visual and video instructional exercises, and so forth) and market across driving channels and different mediums including web-based media entryways. This will remember a careful investigation of the item for the market at various stages. In like manner, we will draw in into predictable creation of content for an assortment of clients across our designated specialty crowds.

We are locked in with innovation and promoting accomplices to industriously help the proceeded with development and extension of the GOPX Ecosystem in all verticals.

Gamers, Sports, Hospitality, Health, Non-benefits, Music, Artists, BB, Peer-to-Friend, Government, Banks, Financial Payment Systems.

We will work with rumored Blockchain counseling elements with direct involvement in crypto finance items to carry the GOPX Token to the world.


Following coordinated improvement rehearses, we will perform start to finish design, advancement, testing, and organization of the GOPX platform and ecosystem.

The trading framework, client base, and wallets will work on independent workers to defend against any external assaults and IP whitelisting i.e.,only private IPs were permitted to get to the hubs.

Item advancement will likewise incorporate executed useful and execution experiments followed by Outsider Security Review.

Author: Odina Bayramova;u=3248193


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