
theprotocol. — helps you turn your everyday surroundings into smart place.

Introduction / Description: Surroundings play a very important role in a person’s life. It helps us think, relax and entertain ourselves. It can be a place of productivity or a place of boredom. In this diary, I will explain my journey of turning my surroundings into a smart place. Theprotocol. is an IoT company that wants to make your everyday surroundings smarter with its new technology. Whether you are at home, your favorite hangout place, gym or even at office/college. The IoT technology can turn your surroundings into smart place for you. TheProtocol.Network is based on open-source blockchain technology, and provides a decentralized way of turning everyday environments into smart place. With the help of IoT devices such as smartphone, wearable device or Raspberry Pi, you can easily turn your home, office or any other environment into smart place. The is an open platform designed to make it easy for anyone to build their own smart place. It’s a full stack system wi


Metacoms Inovasi tingkat lanjut berperan penting dalam membentuk dan mengendalikan cara berperilaku, pelaksanaan, pedoman, dan sebagainya dari tatanan sosial, jaringan, asosiasi, dan orang. Banyak bidang bisnis mengalami perubahan yang luar biasa, sebagian besar karena perkembangan baru yang lebih maju. Karena Metaverse telah berkembang dalam jumlah besar pada suatu waktu, tahap Metacoms membuka Metaverse untuk setiap keahlian insinyur. Menggabungkan banyak sorotan, misalnya, 3D Metaverse P2P Crypto bergerak di panggung berbasis NFT, KYC, dan pemeriksaan elemen wajah. Ini secara signifikan lebih dari tahap korespondensi usia lain untuk kantor, sekolah, atau bisnis swasta atau perusahaan; panggung dengan elemen dunia maya membuatnya efisien dan menarik. Isu Metaverses yang sedang dibuat, tidak memiliki toko dengan aplikasi Pihak Ketiga. Untuk tujuan ini semua perbaikan harus diselesaikan oleh organisasi yang memfasilitasi menahan klien yang mencari teknologi terbaru atau membayar dengan

WorkQuest: What it's all about & Why it is essential

Work obtaining and work hunting are not straightforward errands for the two representatives and businesses. Numerous corporate and global organizations face difficulties while connecting with recognizing contenders for an employment opportunity. Similarly, applicants might observe it by trying to distinguish a task that fulfils their range of abilities, particularly while taking a gander at a more extensive viewpoint, for instance, global openness. While taking a gander at the worldwide turn of events, one of the first concerns stays to make all the more top-notch open positions. Thusly, there is a requirement for a stage that tends to these worries while simultaneously advancing effectiveness, believability, information trustworthiness, and security. Work Quest is an internet-based work commercial centre interfacing possible representatives to managers. Dissimilar to numerous internet-based work commercial centres, it isn't restricted to geological reach, taking into consideration

Lambofinance ....... Allowing users to convert their crypto assets into the most profitable asset automatically.

PREVIEW Lambo is a protocol that enables instant and secure transfer of value and data between parties. It has the potential to empower financial institutions, payment providers, digital asset exchanges, and corporations to move assets over blockchain networks efficiently with lower costs and in a scalable manner. Lambo is designed for public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum but can also be used as a private blockchain or sidechain. We'll be looking at the Lambo defi, it's a new technology that's going to be rising through the automotive field over the next few years. It's going to be added as a standard in future cars. It's going to make driving on ramps, through high speed traffic and also will be able to auto park cars. It will also be able to adjust the car's speed based on the driver's preferences. It will auto accelerate or decelerate based on traffic and will also be able to be controlled with a smartwatch. Lambo is a protocol that allows you to

(Stormyield) Next Gen Crypto Yield Protocol Highest Fixed APY in Crypto

STY is sweeping through the Defi world with its unique Storm Yield Protocol, which offers a decentralized financial asset that rewards holders with a sustainable fixed compound interest. Buy-Hold-Earn $STY for the highest fixed APY in Crypto, compounded every 5 minutes. Watch your portfolio grow faster than lighting right in your wallet. #stormyieldfinance   #defiyield   #DeFiproject   #BSC   #Defi   #stormyield Auto-Compounding $STY is the native token of the STY Protocol. With Crypto’s highest paying Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding protocol and the greatest fixed APY in the industry at 669,212.62%, all BSC wallets holding $STY token receive auto-compounded interest reward every 5 minutes. STY Insurance Fund The SIF operates as an Insurance fund that consistently pays a 0.00838% rebase rate to all $STY holders every 5 minutes to ensure price sustainability, avoiding flashcrach and fostering long-term growth of the STY Protocol. STY Treasury In the event of an extreme price drop, t


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, YURA you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission #crypto   #yura   #money   #investing The world of  #freelancing  is a massive one. One simple reason for this is the lack of trust. There needs to be a system in place that helps freelancers connect in a more transparent, fair and trustworthy way. Yura is a platform that helps to keep you and your freelancer client agreements normal and free from politics for you to get more and better work done. Yura is created with a clear goal in mind; empower the global workforce of the future. We know that the coming years will be filled with unprecedented challenges and opportunities to make  #money , that is why we believe that through utilising the right tools, you can be empowered to reach your full potential and achieve great things. We aim to provide a platform that fosters a community of creato

the most attractive decentralized project by presenting a “safe” Defi space to the public.

Here I will inform you by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called Babypink , so for that, have a look at the article I created below to give you a very good overview of the project, then what benefits they provide to you. everyone? Just go to the discussion below. Honestly, this Babypink project was born out of Dev's extensive corporate experience of more than 2 decades in the financial services industry. After investing profitably in successful babytoken projects, he embarked on this ambitious mission to make an impactful difference in the world of DeFI. He has set a vision, mission and launch protocol for the community with the ultimate goal of being a sustainable & profitable project in the long term. This isn't your usual suspect - the "Pump & Dump" meme token, but a well-thought-out strategic PinkMap for longevity. This project has a target MC of over $100 million and could easily become the next 1000x moonshot. The community has a